Eastroad is now available in Uzbekistan. Create Your Account today.
Hi, Let's work together

Become a seller on Eastroad!

And experience the ease of selling your products internationally like never before, as you get access to millions of new customers in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

+64 %

Active customers growth on Eastroad

+500 %

Turnover growth of international sellers

+92 %

Number of orders growth with us

Over 1.000+ companies trust our services, and they are optimistic about their rapid growth together in international sales.

Discover what Eastroad does for sellers

Expand your business and tap into the thriving markets of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan with Eastroad, the premier e-commerce platform designed to facilitate seamless cross-border trade for all brands.

Discover our superior services

We provide high-quality, reliable and efficient offerings that provide great value. Our services also vary widely depending on your industry & business.

Delivers your products abroad

Hand over your products to Eastroad's logistics provider, handling logistics and customs, allowing you to focus on core business while we simplify the process of selling your products internationally.

Transfers money in TL currency

Enjoy the convenience of receiving all payments from international sales in your local currency, Turkish Lira (TL), simplifying currency conversions and financial management for your business.

Expert guidance cross-border

Benefit from our extensive knowledge and experience in navigating the complexities of cross-border e-commerce, ensuring a smooth expansion into Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan markets.

Safety Compliance

Follow standard OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations for workplace safety, as well as regulations for product.

Legal Support

Help individuals and organizations understand, navigate & comply with the law. This can include advising clients on business law matters.

Provides sales reports

Utilize advanced analytics tools to monitor sales statistics and create comprehensive customer profiles, helping you better understand your target audience and make informed decisions to grow your business.

Promotes your products

Leverage Eastroad's marketing expertise and enable promotional campaigns on the platform to increase your brand visibility and attract even more customers in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

Find out more our benefits

Our experts provide tailored guidance, ensuring success in these markets. Click “Request a Meeting” below to schedule a consultation and enjoy the benefits of partnering with Eastroad.

Sell to
Turkic States

Europe Asia Trading Route

Sell to Uzbekistan

Present your products to over 10 million potential customers in Uzbekistan's growing market. Orders will be efficiently delivered nationwide through our extensive network of partners and delivery points

Sell to Azerbaijan

Reach 5+ Million Azerbaijani Customers: Showcase products to a thriving market, with orders delivered seamlessly through our vast partner and delivery point network.


SAP integration has been released!

Elevate Your Business with ERP Integrations

Discover the power of Eastroad’s seamless ERP integrations, designed to simplify your product management and order processing. Easily connect your favorite ERP systems, such as Nebim, SAP, and soon, Mikro, to automate your operations and drive efficiency.

Automatic Product Uploads

Real-Time Order Sync

Inventory Management

Shipping Integrations

API Software Support

24/7 Technical Support

"Expand your business with Eastroad's seamless cross-border solutions, reach millions of new customers, and boost your sales today."

Take a look at our articles & resources

Take a look at our articles & resources

Dive into our collection of informative articles and valuable resources designed to help you better understand the platform.

Positive feedback

See what our seller's saying

5.0 Rated


Since partnering with Eastroad, our sales in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan have skyrocketed. The platform makes it easy for us to reach new customers and tap into these growing markets. We couldn’t be happier with the results.



5.0 Rated


We’ve seen impressive growth in our sales in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan since partnering with Eastroad. Their platform offers a seamless shopping experience for customers, and their team is always available to assist with any issues.



5.0 Rated


Eastroad has been a fantastic partner for expanding our sales in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.



5.0 Rated


Eastroad has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to expand our brand presence in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. The seamless integration, excellent customer support, and fast shipping have greatly contributed to our success in these countries.



5.0 Rated


Eastroad has been instrumental in helping us break into the Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan markets. Their platform is easy to use, and they take care of all the logistics, allowing us to focus on delivering high-quality products to our customers.



5.0 Rated


Joining Eastroad has been a great decision for our business. We’ve seen a significant increase in sales in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, and their platform makes it simple to manage our inventory and connect with customers.



5.0 Rated


Working with Eastroad has been an absolute game-changer for our business.



5.0 Rated


Our sales in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan have increased significantly since joining Eastroad. Their platform is user-friendly, and their dedicated customer support ensures a smooth experience for both us and our customers.



5.0 Rated


Our experience with Eastroad has been nothing short of amazing. They’ve provided us with an easy-to-use platform and exceptional customer support, helping us to grow our sales in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan beyond our expectations.”



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Stages of work

Five steps for the initial sale


Create your seller identity, verify your information, and finally fill in your company details.

Product Upload

Create product cards, add descriptions and photos. We have ready integrations with many ERPs!


Deliver your packaged shipments to the designated acceptance points.


Eastroad delivers your products to recipients all across Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.


Receive your payment next day in the currency of your choice, as per your convenience.

Frequently asked questions